Get Expert Help
To prepare for the examination it is necessary to get expert help on what to focus on and how to manange our time effectively.
It is necessary to get expert help for the preparation of exams to save time and not waste it on unproductive preparations. People who have experience in helping learners and those who think can be relied upon should be able to save your time and energy. YOu will be stress free if you know exactly what you need to study and how to study it effectively so that you remember it at the time of examination.
Choose any resource that you can trust. I have presented here one of resources I have used to help a learner who scored well in the board exam.
Have a look at the NCERT lesson on Electricity in the Science Coursebook. This is used by CBSE schools throughout India.
Now let us have a look at how Oswaal books deal with this topic. They provide a summary of the lesson, list the points to be memorised, test us on application questions, provide solutions - all this in the Flashcards for the subject. Then they have a question bank with important questions for each chapter and sample question papers based on the board examination pattern. In addition they provide the learners with mind maps, mnemonic tricks to help them remember important bits of information and more.